A hospital is a complex, contradictory building type, a system of systems. It is a dense collection of people, equipment, and supplies. There is no one definition that sufficiently sums up the many types of hospitals. However, established baseline principles and standards do exist for planning and design. These criteria are shaped by local, regional, national and increasingly by international building codes.
Due to vast variations across cultures and across geographic regions, it is difficult to apply specific design criteria in designing a successful hospital. Pivotal International applied its extensive medical experience to assist the client in establishing a brief for this project, which will meet the highest international standards.
The project consists of a General Hospital comprising the following departments: entrance atrium/concourse with reception/café/management suite, 160 inpatient-bed wing, 25 outpatient bedrooms, swift care accident and emergency suite, 25 private consultants’ suites, 6 surgical theatres with full recovery suites and day-patient wards, independent blood analysis centre, diagnostics suites to include MIR scanners, ultra sound, CAT scanners and specialist X-Ray department, 2 radio-therapy bunkers to include full treatment and consultation areas all integrated into the hospital but fully independently accessed, business and conference centre with a dedicated training area for medical-related uses.