Newtown School was founded in 1798 by the Religious Society of Friends, (Quakers). The ideals of its founders still inspire the School, which today educates over 250 boys and girls for life in the 21st century. Newtown School accommodates boarding and day students of all religious persuasions, and appreciates the contribution of all denominations to the school community. The school planning committee, have indentified 5 projects for future development of the school. Our task was to study the existing format of the school campus and provide a master plan and vision for the future growth and expansion of the school. The five additional projects consist of a new main entrance & common area, Music centre, Science building, Multi purpose sports hall and New dormitory buildings & additional parking. The buildings have been design to seamlessly integrate into the existing fabric of the school while improving pedestrian circulation and public realm spaces through the campus. These program elements have been arranged on the site to create a place where students, faculty and visitors can thrive in their individual and collective endeavors. This is a teaching and learning community where each of its program elements contributes and enhances the overall educational environment of the campus. We have incorporated principles of successful community design to achieve a rich and sustainable learning environment.