The Rossmore development consists of a neighbourhood centre together with some 257 houses, nursing home and hotel and a number of commercial sites at Rossmore, Tipperary Town. The neighbourhood centre consisted of 12 commercial units of varying size, a crèche and 8 apartments. Foul and storm sewers, watermains and ducting for utility services were constructed to serve all of the houses, the neighbourhood centre, and the perimeter of the commercial sites. Roads were constructed to serve the housing and the neighbourhood centre. To-date the neighbourhood centre and 157 houses and associated services including some 5,380m, of sewers varying in size from 225mm to 600mm have been constructed. Our works included the detailed design and supervision of construction of the site infrastructure associated roads, a roundabout at the main entrance to the development, foul and stormwater sewers, three attenuation tanks, watermains, ducting for utilities both potable water and sewage pump stations and rising mains. We undertook detailed design of both the civil the structural elements of the neighborhood centre.